Lang Doc Lab at Queens College

At Queens College, I lead the Language Documentation Lab, where students are trained to document and analyze their own heritage languages. Here are slides from a recent lecture that features some of my collaborative work with undergraduate students: The languages of Queens as a window to science

Linguistics Department Poster Session, Queens College, 2016

And here are some examples of student-led work from the poster session above:

Paing, Chu and Daniel Kaufman. 2016. Burmese verb reduplication at the syntax-semantics interface. Presented at the Queens College, Dept. of Linguistics and Comm. Disorders Annual Student Poster Session.

Bucknor, Tysean and Daniel Kaufman. 2016. Two syntactic features of Belizean Creole. Presented at the Queens College, Dept. of Linguistics and Comm. Disorders Annual Student Poster Session.

Dolkar, Tsering, Tenzin Namdol and Daniel Kaufman. 2016. Adverb positioning in Tibetan. Presented at the Queens College, Dept. of Linguistics and Comm. Disorders Annual Student Poster Session. 

Ren, Bo Zhong. 2016. Coordination in Chinese. Presented at the Annual Queens College Dept. of Linguistics and Comm. Disorders Student Poster Session. 

Castillo, Daniela. 2016. Phrase structure rules for the Mapudungan noun phrase. Presented at the Annual Queens College Dept. of Linguistics and Comm. Disorders Student Poster Session.